...Far Away... <body>
| NAbout Me |

Purinsesu Hazirah



fries queen



my bro, Dan

fries, of course(:

anything Rock

books and movies

| NTagBoard |

| NFriends |

{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} atiqah(sec1)
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} brenda's LJ
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} cassandra
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} cherry
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} chyna
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} clarissa sentosa
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} claudia
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} dalvin 'deasel'
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} elaine
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} estelle (:
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} euphoria(X
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} euph's LJ
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} eve
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} gladys
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} gloria tan
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} gloria ong
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} hajar(:
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} hyona
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} ira<3
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} julia
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} laura teh
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} li ying
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} lydia(:
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} michelle teo
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} michelle wong
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} natasha gf<3
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} nazry
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} phyllis
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} sarah BFF
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} serene "sizzle" (:
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} shan ying
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} stephanie
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} TKL
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} vivien <3
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} VK (:
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} yasmin X)
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} yasmin (Lj)

| NArchives |

September 2006
October 2006
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
December 2007
January 2008

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

You MAY ask, "Why hasn't there been new posts on this blog?"
THAT is because I've decided to write in livejournal: http://prettyheasel.livejournal.com/
I'll only use this blog if I want to show a video clip or picture and such.
Okay. That's all. Happy New Year, you Straights and Crookeds. (Yes, Crooked with an 'S')

i carry your heart. i'll carry it in my heart.
4:12 AM