...Far Away... <body>
| NAbout Me |

Purinsesu Hazirah



fries queen



my bro, Dan

fries, of course(:

anything Rock

books and movies

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| NFriends |

{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} atiqah(sec1)
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} brenda's LJ
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} cassandra
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} cherry
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} chyna
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} clarissa sentosa
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} claudia
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} dalvin 'deasel'
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} elaine
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} estelle (:
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} euphoria(X
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} euph's LJ
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} eve
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} gladys
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} gloria tan
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} gloria ong
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} hajar(:
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} hyona
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} ira<3
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} julia
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} laura teh
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} li ying
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} lydia(:
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} michelle teo
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} michelle wong
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} natasha gf<3
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} nazry
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} phyllis
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} sarah BFF
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} serene "sizzle" (:
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} shan ying
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} stephanie
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} TKL
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} vivien <3
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} VK (:
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} yasmin X)
{Image hosted by Photobucket.com} yasmin (Lj)

| NArchives |

September 2006
October 2006
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
December 2007
January 2008

Friday, September 29, 2006

a sudden feeling of emo-ness.

i carry your heart. i'll carry it in my heart.
10:12 AM